Coin Sized Carrot-tail Viper Geckos Are Hatching
Posted by Andrew Bleiman on
Sedgwick County Zoo currently has two tiny Carrot-tail Viper Gecko hatchlings.
The Zoo reports there are several more eggs incubating, and if all goes well, they expect two geckos to hatch every couple of weeks.
Photo Credits: Sedgwick County Zoo
The Carrot-tail Viper Gecko (Hemidactylus imbricatus) is native to arid rocky regions of southeastern Pakistan. They can be found under rocks during the day. Their distinctive pattern provides excellent camouflage amongst stones and pebbles.
Only about an inch in length at hatching, adults reach a total length of about three and a half inches.
To avoid the heat of the day, these tiny desert dwellers hunt for insects in the early morning and late evening. Their oddly shaped tail stores fat and water for when food is scarce.
Females lay one to two eggs per clutch, each the size of a pea, and the eggs are produced every two to three weeks for as many as twelve clutches per year. Incubation takes from 50 to 60 days, at temperatures of 81 to 86F.
The Carrot-tail Viper Gecko is currently classified as “Least Concern” According to the IUCN Red List: “Hemidactylus imbricatus has been assessed as Least Concern. Despite some habitat loss and degradation, its population is unlikely to be undergoing significant declines to qualify for listing in a threatened category. Further research is needed to identify if a significant future decline triggers a higher threat category.”
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