ZooBorns — Vancouver Aquarium
Vancouver Aquarium’s Sea Otter Pup Makes a Friend
Posted by Andrew Bleiman on
The male Sea Otter pup being cared for at the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue Centre is now four months old. The fuzzy pup, named Hardy, was rescued after concerned members of the public found him swimming alone in open water off northern Vancouver Island back in June.
Since his rescue, staff and volunteers have spent shifts feeding, bathing and grooming the pup. Hardy recently began...
- Tags: Otter, Vancouver Aquarium
Aquarium Breeds Endangered Frogs to Boost Wild Population
Posted by Chris Eastland on
The Vancouver Aquarium is helping one of the world’s most at-risk amphibians by raising and releasing hundreds of healthy Northern Leopard Frog tadpoles into the wilds of British Columbia, Canada.
The release is part of the Northern Leopard Frog Recovery Team’s efforts to restore a species that was once widespread across Canada. Beginning in the 1970s, millions of frogs died, leaving just one...
- Tags: Frogs & Toads, Vancouver Aquarium