ZooBorns — Crocodile

Unique Crocodile Species Hatches at Zoo Miami

Posted by Andrew Bleiman on


A False Gavial has hatched at Zoo Miami! This is the Zoo’s first successful hatching, in over 25 years, of this very unique species of crocodile from Indonesia and Malaysia.

After an incubation period of 89 days, at a temperature of 89 degrees, the baby hatched on September 1st and was one of two hatchlings that emerged from a clutch of 25 eggs. Unfortunately, the second hatchling did not...

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Dwarf Crocodiles Hatch at San Diego Zoo

Posted by Chris Eastland on

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On November 6, eight West African Dwarf Crocodiles hatched from eggs at the San Diego Zoo’sReptile House—the first hatching of its kind in the zoo’s 101-year history. Three baby Crocs successfully hatched on their own, keepers assisted a fourth one in hatching, and more emerged from their eggs throughout the day. The hatchlings are being cared for behind the scenes—and the parents, an 11-year-old...

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