ZooBorns — Okapi
First Female Okapi Calf for L.A. Zoo
Posted by Andrew Bleiman on
The Los Angeles Zoo is excited to announce the birth of its first-ever female Okapi calf.
The calf was born on November 10, 2017 and is the second offspring for 14-year-old mother, Opey, and the first for three-year-old father, Jackson. The couple was paired together as part of an Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)Species Survival Plan (SSP) program with the goal of increasing the Okapi...
Endangered Okapi Named ‘Meghan’ at ZSL London Zoo
Posted by Andrew Bleiman on
Zookeepers at ZSL London Zoo have named their new Okapi calf, “Meghan”, in honor of Prince Harry’s fiancée, Meghan Markle.
The name is particularly fitting since Okapis were first brought to the world’s attention in 1901 by another Harry - ZSL fellow, Sir Harry Johnstone.
Zookeeper, Gemma Metcalf said, “A new birth is always cause for celebration, but Meghan’s important arrival is also a great...
- Tags: London Zoo, Okapi
Rare Okapi Calf Nursed to Health at Denver Zoo
Posted by Chris Eastland on
Denver Zoo welcomed a rare baby Okapi on December 4. The male calf, named Forest, was born to mother Kalispell and weighs just under 40 pounds. The calf is only the seventh birth of this species at the Zoo.
“Shortly after he was born, Zoo staff noticed that Forest was unable to stand and was therefore unable to nurse,” said Brian Aucone, Senior Vice President for Animal Sciences. Forest’s blood...
- Tags: Denver Zoo, Okapi
Zoo Welcomes First Okapi Birth in Four Years
Posted by Andrew Bleiman on
The San Diego Zoo recently welcomed a handsome new resident. Okapi mom, Mbaya, gave birth to her first calf—adding one more individual to a population that is in steady decline worldwide.
Only a few zoos in the United States house the endangered Okapi, and four-week-old Mosi (pronounced MO-see) became the first of his species to be born at the San Diego Zoo in four years.
Animal care staff...