ZooBorns — Alaska SeaLife Center
Hundreds of Octopus Eggs Hatch at Alaska SeaLife Center
Posted by Chris Eastland on
After being tended by their mother for almost a year, thousands of Giant Pacific Octopus eggs are beginning to hatch at the Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC).
The eggs were laid by Gilligan, the ASLC’s eldest female Giant Pacific Octopus, beginning in May 2017. For the past year, Gilligan guarded her eggs, blew water over them, and groomed them to remove algae. About two weeks ago, aquarists noticed...
- Tags: Alaska SeaLife Center, Octopus
Stranded Beluga Whale Calf Gets Intensive Care
Posted by Andrew Bleiman on
A stranded Beluga Whale calf, struggling to survive on its own, was rescued from Cook Inlet, Alaska on Saturday, September 30. The male calf is undergoing intensive around-the-clock care at the Alaska SeaLife Centerwith the help of Marine Mammal experts from around North America. The calf is a member of the critically endangered Cook Inlet Beluga Whale population, which has declined to...
- Tags: Alaska SeaLife Center, Beluga, Whale