Baby Bear Gets His First Exam
Posted by Andrew Bleiman on
A baby Spectacled Bear born at Tierpark Berlin “bears” a striking resemblance to Paddington Bear. That’s because the much-loved children’s book character was based on this species, which is native to the Andes Mountains of South America.
Born on December 26, the male cub underwent his first medical exam on March 27. At the exam, the veterinary team confirmed his sex, implanted an ID chip, and...
- Tags: Bear, Berlin Zoo
Denver Zoo Celebrates the ‘Sunshine’ of Spring
Posted by Andrew Bleiman on
Denver Zoo is thrilled to announce their newest critically endangered Sumatran Orangutan.
The lovely female was born March 25 to mom, Nias, and dad, Berani. The new baby has been given the name, Cerah, which means “bright” in Indonesian and is often used to refer to sunshine.
Cerah arrived through a natural and uneventful birth, and keepers report both mom and baby are in good health. They are...
- Tags: Denver Zoo, Orangutan
Rare ‘Forest Dragons’ Hatch at Chester Zoo
Posted by Andrew Bleiman on
A clutch of rare baby ‘Forest Dragons’ have hatched at Chester Zoo.
The Bell’s Anglehead Lizard (Gonocephalus bellii), also known as the Borneo Forest Dragon, is found in parts of South East Asia. Reptile experts at Chester Zoo say very little is known about the mysterious reptile. Population estimates on the species have never been carried out; therefore, no one is aware of exactly how many...
- Tags: Chester Zoo, Reptiles
Zoo Miami Welcomes 52nd Giraffe Calf
Posted by Andrew Bleiman on
On the morning of March 28th, Zoo Miami welcomed their 52nd Giraffe calf! The Zoo also captured a series of amazing shots documenting the important event.
Ron Magill, Photographer/Communications Director at the Zoo, said, “In all my years of working with animals and witnessing births, I don’t think that there is any animal that can hold such a large baby in such a compact abdominal area! I am...
Screamer Chicks Hatch at Woodland Park Zoo
Posted by Chris Eastland on
A pair of female Crested Screamer chicks hatched in early March at Woodland Park Zoo. The little birds represent the first offspring between the 15-year-old mother and 23-year-old father. The last successful hatching of this species at the Seattle, WA, zoo was in 2002.
At just a few weeks old, the chicks are fluffy and downy and currently weigh about 6 ounces.
“So far, we’re pleased to report...
- Tags: Bird, Woodland Park Zoo