
Spectacled Bear Cub Makes Debut at Tierpark Berlin

Posted by Andrew Bleiman on


Tierpark Berlin’s new Spectacled Bear recently made his public debut. He was seen hesitantly following him mother and stepping tentatively through the grass.

After spending almost four months in the birthing den, twenty-year-old mother, Julia, is now happily spending time out in the fresh air with her new cub. Keepers say there is plenty for the youngster to explore in the large outdoor...

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Seal Welcomes Third Pup at Aquarium of the Pacific

Posted by Andrew Bleiman on


The Aquarium of the Pacific is pleased to announce that one of their Harbor Seals, named Shelby, gave birth to a pup on April 20. Shelby is one of the Aquarium’s original animals and was two-years-old when the nonprofit facility opened in 1998.

Most seals give birth to young starting at four to five-years-of-age. So at twenty-two years old, Shelby is considered a mature mom. This is her third...

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Critically Endangered Chimpanzee Born on Exhibit

Posted by Andrew Bleiman on

1_La chimpancé Natalia y su bebé - primera semana de vida del bebé chimpancé - abril 2018 (4)-min

On April 17, a baby Western Chimpanzee entered the world, in front of excited visitors, at BIOPARC Valencia.

Guests watched as the mother and baby, with umbilical cord still attached, were attended to by the other females of the troupe.

The birth was an exciting and much anticipated event for keepers, as well. The baby’s parents had arrived at the park only three years ago, in 2015. New dad,...

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Tierpark Berlin Welcomes New Porcupette

Posted by Chris Eastland on

BaumstachlerNachwuchs_TierparkBerlin (4)

The North American Porcupine family at Tierpark Berlin made a ‘prickly’ welcome to their newest offspring.

The baby arrived on April 20, and for a brief moment, the porcupette was soft and furry. However, the quills began to harden soon after the birth, just like those of mom and dad.

This is the second North American Porcupine birth at Tierpark Berlin. The baby joins older sister, Pixie.


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Mischievous Orangutan Caught on Camera

Posted by Andrew Bleiman on

3_Mischievous Sumatran orangutan Tuti pesters her aunt in the most adorable way at Chester Zoo

Chester Zoo recently shared video of their five-year-old Sumatran Orangutan, named Tuti, pestering her aunt Emma in a most mischievous way.

Thirty-year-old Emma gave birth to a female, Kesuma, on December 18. (See the ZooBorns feature on Kesuma: “Chester Zoo Introduces Early Spring ‘Flower’).

Chester Zoo’s adorable new footage shows the attention-seeking Tuti using multiple sticks to “wind up”...

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